Aug 31, 1882
Submitted by Susan Coble

L. H. Matthews Editor and Prop.
Blountsville, Ala.
August 31, 1882

Mr. James L. Stewart, of the Summit neighborhood, was shot in the right thigh a few days ago, by accidental discharge of his "Leetle pistol". It is only a flesh wound.

Mr. Tim Pierce, charged with abstracting nearly $100 from the safe of P. Henry & Co., of Summit, had a preliminary examination, last week before 'Squire Jones, and was put under $800 bond to await the action of the Grand Jury.

We are sorry to learn that Willie, son of Mr. 'Fayette Copeland, had his arm broken a few days ago, by falling off his horse. The son of Mr. Alldredge in the same neighborhood had his arm broken a day or so afterwards. the son of Wash. Nation, colored, had his arm broken in two places and disjointed at the elbow, on Monday last, by a fall.